Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Does Robert Pattinson Use In His Hair What Kind Of Books Does Robert Pattinson Read? And What His Personal Style?

What kind of books does Robert Pattinson read? and what his personal style? - what does robert pattinson use in his hair

If people do not read Rob Pattinson, and he has not read the books twiligh, all of them!
Kristen Stewart and favorite books and his personal style, and "Bella" and "Edwards" Books of the music of the Twilight series? and may facilitate, or photos?


Deydey said...

I can read, Robert Dennis Potter, Ticket To Ride ...
Kristen favorite book is "East of Eden .. (VanityFair)

The music of Edward: Edward is musical, can play the piano like a virtuoso. The wide range of classical music to jazz, metal, progressive, alternative rock, punk rock, but the country does not. He prefers indie rock to the general public appreciates and says equally.He rock and classical music in Twilight, he loves the music of the fifties, better than the sixties, seventy not satisfied and said that the eighties were "bearable" . (Wiki)

ana2rosa... said...

He reads books with big letters, short words and lots of pictures.

ana2rosa... said...

He reads books with big letters, short words and lots of pictures.

ana2rosa... said...

He reads books with big letters, short words and lots of pictures.

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